Saturday, May 3, 2014

Book Tour: Janelle Kahele

Janelle Kahele is the author of Blink: The Blink Series - Breaking Branches, Blink: The Blink Series - Blinded by Judgment, and Mine.

Author J. Kahele 
I had the pleasure of reading Breaking Branches, which is part of The Blink Series.  Christia (Tia) Cartwright is the main character.  She is a very independent person, who is also very loyal to her friends.  Tia is battling some demons--alcohol and loss.  Michael Wellington enters her life.  The friendship develops into more, and Tia is forced to confront her demons.  As the relationship moves forward, Tia learns more about Michael and his own ghosts.  What are Michael's ghosts?  Read it and find out!

In addition to reading Breaking Branches, I also had the opportunity to ask the author some questions.

Why do you write?   I write to relieve the thoughts that are in my mind.

What advice would you give aspiring authors? To write with honesty and although the first book may not  show the vision you are attempting to portray, the more you write, the more your vision will become  clearer.

What are some of your next projects? I am working on the third installment of Blink: The Series, and I am working on a second installment of my book Mine.

Want to know more about Janelle?  Check it out!

Amazon Author Page: dp epwbk 0
Goodreads: Kahele

1 comment:

chocolat lover said...

I will have a look out for her books ;o)